Often when I think about giving, I am reminded of an analogy: “How can God bless us if our hands are clinched, clinging onto all we have?” He can’t. However, if our hands are open, freely giving what we have, then our hands are open to receive what God wills.
In an article published by the International Missions Board, David Platt states: “A healthy church by its very definition, will create other healthy churches.[1]” As a part of the larger corporate body of the Church of God of Prophecy, we have a mission to support the work of the church around the world. By our faithful giving as members of the church, in both tithes and offerings, the faithful churches of this body are able to give to the corporate structure that goes on to help build other healthy churches. While what we think is small and will not matter, in the hands of our God goes forth to be a great sum combined with our family of faithful stewards.